Welcome to the full-length virtual vaping awareness presentation for parents! Internationally recognized speaker and “edutainer” Robert Hackenson Jr. recently came and spoke to our high school students here at Old Bridge High School. In order to help parents, here is a on-demand presentation tailored for parents. Get ready to learn all you need to know as a parent to help guide your child through the teen vaping epidemic, and to help them make healthy decisions.
What you will Learn:
- What do you know about vaping and more importantly… where did that information come from?
- Understanding who is actually behind the vaping industry.
- Why is vaping being marketed targeted teens
- What teens are actually vaping
- Latest research on potential health effects of vaping Nicotine and/or THC
- Common reasons teens might turn to vaping
- What to look for as a parent
- Resources if you find your child is vaping