Affordable Flat Day Rate Pricing for Schools

Maximizing Your Budget

We understand that schools often want their students to hear these important messages, but funding can sometimes be an issue.  This is why we do have a single presentation rate, but we’ve constructed our “flat day rate” pricing option to give schools with a tight budget the ability to team up with other schools/organizations in their area and maximize their budget.

Here’s how it works…

The flat day rate that gives you up to 4 presentations on the same day for one flat price, and these 4 presentations (and price) can be split between multiple schools in multiple locations.  Plus, the 4 presentations can be a mix of any of the topics you see on my site and can include a parent night.  This allows you to team up with your elementary, middle or high schools (I have presentations tailored for any of these grades or other neighboring schools.    

Watch Detailed Explanation of the Flat Day Rate