Watch “Edutaining” Interview
The Hazing & Bullying Issue
Over recent years hazing and bullying has come to the attention of colleges as there students are not only experiencing face-to-face hazing and bullying, but also cyber-bullying, hate crimes, and threats. This results in serious legal actions, or worse, as students feeling trapped and lashing out by harming themselves or others. Colleges need to act and be proactive with hazing and bullying prevention by educating their students on the serious affects, while encouraging them to take a leadership role on campus to provide alternatives and to promote healthy and positive social involvement.
The Dynamic Difference
It can be a challenge to not only get students to attend educational sessions, but keep their attention during the presentation. This is why college speaker Robert Hackenson Jr. uses his dynamic skills to engage and educate your students. Robert will have your students gasping in amazement, laughing hysterically, or sitting in sobering silence as they actually listen and learn the important lessons.
To “edutain” your students, Rob delivers the important lessons with:
– Skit Hypnosis
– Mind Magic
– Illusions
– Video
– Audience participation
– True heart wrenching stories
Solving Your Attendance Problem
For educational sessions that are not mandatory, Robert will arrive to campus early and perform his strolling mind magic as a “teaser” for the edutainment presentation. OnePlus 5 This has proven to help create buzz amongst students and increase attendance as they discover it won’t be a typical lecture!
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