Recent Media Appearances
Listen to Interview (Part 1 & 2)
Time line of Special Events & Achievements:
2012 Robert was interviewed by The Republican Newspaper, after speaking to students at a conference. Here is the blurb.
The conference’s keynote speaker, Robert Hackenson Jr., spoke about “Sobering Thoughts” and focused on empowering students to see through negative perceptions and influences and understand how poor decision making with substances could prevent the accomplishment of goals.
The self-described “edutainer” uses magic and illusions to make his points. Using a shrinking and growing head, he got the attention of audience members, then told them that illusions affect decision making. “Step back and think through decisions, don’t just react,” he advised.
2012 Robert was interviewed by the “Recorder Newspaper” on his Sober Thoughts presentation after speaking to students at a conference.
The conference’s keynote speaker, Robert Hackenson Jr. of Dynamic Influence and a substance abuse prevention motivational speaker, stressed to the students that the choices they make now will affect the rest of their lives.
“There is only one person in control of your life,” he told the students, “and that is you.” “It doesn’t matter how many positive decisions you make. It just takes that one bad decision to take it all away.”
2012 Robert was the Keynote speaker for the Northwestern Massachusetts District Attorney’s office Teen Alcohol Awareness conference.
2011 Robert was the Keynote speaker for the Worcester Massachusetts District Attorney’s office Teen Alcohol Awareness conference.
2011 Robert delivers 2 presentations at NEACUHO WPI Drive In Conference and receives rave reviews.
2011 Robert received a Certification in Advanced Organizational Leadership from Nichols College
2010 Robert was featured in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette for his role with the MIAA You Lead program, looking to help develop teens leadership skills.
2009 Robert provided Motivational Entertainment at First Data Corporation at an audience of First Data clients and prospects.
2008 Robert Keynote Speaker for New York Life Top Sales Executives Spring Retreat.
2006 Robert made his first of many appearances on the FOX25 Morning Show.
2006 Robert was featured in the Boston Herald due to his unique skill set and approach to combining education with entertainment.
2006 Robert received his certification as an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Facilitator 2006 Robert received top billing at the MIAA Wellness Summit
2005 Robert teamed up with the MIAA to create the presentation/conference material for their school leadership outreach program You Lead. Robert is currently a facilitator for this program.
2005 Due to Robert’s unique presentation style, in 2005 the Massachusetts Council on Problem Gambling contracted Robert to create and present a “Gambling is NOT Magic” presentation for Middle Schools, High Schools and Colleges.
2004 Robert created Dynamic Influence focusing on delivering educational entertainment that both engages and delivers important messages and lessons to the audience.
2004 Robert joined the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA)’s Partners In Prevention (PIP) group, promoting student wellness at schools throughout Massachusetts.