Highly Interactive Social Media Safety Speaker for Elementary Schools

Students from grades 4 and up (and sometimes even younger) are jumping into social media without a complete understanding of certain dangers.  Although social media is a great and powerful tool, “With great power comes great responsibility.”  – Spiderman.  Granted spiderman wasn’t talking about social media, but it can easily be applied to it. This is why it is vital to educate students on both the pros and cons of the technology they have at their fingertips.

Choosing a Speaker That Connects

When choosing a social media safety speaker for elementary schools, you want to find one that will connect with your students, speak with them at their level, and deliver relevant messages in a way that your students will actually hear and remember.

For over a decade Robert Hackenson Jr. has been the leading youth speaker on social media safety.  He continuously updates his presentations to include the latest trends and his presentation style and messages adapt to his audience.  He has delivered hundreds of presentations to elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, parent education nights, and colleges in 33 states across the coast to coast and 2 provinces in Canada.

If you’re looking for a dynamic presentations that is highly engaging and informative, Robert’s your man!

This Presentation Covers

  • Social media addiction and anxiety
  • Misinterpreting posts
  • Cyber bullying
  • Meeting strangers online
  • Posting personal information
  • Location settings and checking-in
  • What is your Digital Footprint? and who is looking?

The Dynamic Difference

Robert’s dynamic delivery infuses his educational lecture with amazing magic and illusions that are used in a way that helps to delivers the educational lessons.  It’s not just magic, it’s magic with a message keeps your students engaged while making the messages memorable.


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