A Dynamic Social Media Safety Speaker for Middle Schools

Social Media is the new frontier of technology.  The issue is that middle school students are posting material through these new social media channels without thinking.  When this happens, they could get in trouble, hurt themselves or others, or potentially put themselves in danger.  Bring in a social media safety speaker for middle schools is a great way to create awareness and help students post responsibly.

As a professional social media dangers and cyber safety speaker for middle schools, for over a decade Robert Hackenson Jr. has engaged and educated middle school students.  In his presentation he masterfully delivers the important lessons on how to use social media responsibly in a very memorable fashion.

This Presentation Covers:

  • Technology Addiction
  • Social Media Anxiety
  • Cyber bullying & hateful posting
  • Posting too much information
  • Meeting strangers online
  • Your digital profile & whose looking (colleges, employers, etc.)
  • Illusion of security & privacy on social media
  • Sexting (for age appropriate grades)
  • 3 Simple Rules to Follow Before Your Hit Send


A Fresh Approach to Engage & Educate Your Students’

As an “edutainer,” Robert Hackenson Jr. believes that it’s not just what you say, but how the important messages are delivered.  When students are bored, the important messages are lost.  In order to capture the low attention span of middle school students, Robert developed a dynamic presentation that will keep your students engaged while delivering the important messages.  Some of the unique techniques his presentation uses:

  • Magic
  • Illusions
  • Skits
  • Video
  • Other visual effects



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