See Parental Resources Below
Throughout the “Parenting in a Digital Age” presentation, Robert discusses how social media and digital technology can be fun, beneficial, and a powerful tool. However, as the saying goes: With great power comes great responsibility. There are several potential “landmines” that your child could run into, but luckily there are several things you can do to help avoid these dangers! Below are resources to help you with this.
Creating Screen Time Structure in Your House
Do you find that everyone is always on a screen in your house? Or do you want to prevent screens from taking over your home? Click the button below for a some guidance and best practices on how to create screen time structure in your house, including a link to my parent-child cellphone contract!
Screen Time & Youth Mental Health
In my presentation, you may have heard me talk about the relationship between screen time and mental health. Click the button below to find a quick summary of recent research on screen time. This can be used to help your child and anyone else in the house to understand why the screen time rules are needed.
Monitoring & Limiting Your Child’s Devices
As I talked about in the presentation, there are several important reasons to monitor your child’s devices. There are also many options on how to monitor your child, all with their own pros and cons. Click on the button below to find out more about the best monitoring apps available on the market today.
What Parents Need to Know About Cyberbullying
Is your child at risk of being bullied online? What are the signs of bullying/cyberbullying? How do you know if it’s actually bullying? What do you do if you find that your child is being bullied online? All of those questions are answered here.
What Parents Need to Know About Online Predators
Cyber predators target both boys and girls typically between the ages of 11-15. This leads to the question… is your child at risk? Who is your child talking to online? Who are they gaming with? Who are these online predators? How do they work? What can I do as a parent? How do I report a cyber predator? Click the button below to learn the answers.