Speaker for High School Student Athletes
Your students’ and are faced with negative influences and perceptions about drugs and alcohol and make decisions without actually thinking about the consequences. This presentation focuses on your athletes personal and team goals and are then asked to list how drugs and alcohol could prevent them from achieving these goals. The students are then able to provide the excuses and perceptions of why students use and ignore the consequences. They are then taken through an emotional rollercoaster of skits, illusions and stories, which leaves them asking the question… “is it worth the risk?”
The Difference…
This presentation is sure to engage your student athletes as it uses…
– Mind Magic & Illusions – Funny but thought provoking skits – True Stories – And other visuals that your students will love and remember
Where Has “Sober Thoughts” Been?
– Keynote for Worcester District Attorney’s 2011 Teen Drug Awareness Conference – Received Top Billing at the 2006 MIAA Wellness Summit – Featured in the Boston Herald and Worcester Telegram & Gazette – Appearances on the FOX25 Morning Show – Many Middle Schools, High Schools and Colleges throughout the North East