Ladder of Life and Building Your Life
Starting out the vaping presentation we discuss the ladder of life and the importance of making decisions with purpose.
Youth Speaker on Vaping Discusses the Power of Perception and Vaping Marketing Messages
Youth speaker on vaping talks to teens about the power of perception of both the marketing messages vs reality of vaping, and the friends influence in the decision-making process.
Risk vs Reward and Perception vs Reality of Vaping
Using magic to discuss the risk vs reward of vaping during a school assembly. Then talks about new studies showing some of the real risks/consequences of vaping.
How Quick Nicotine Addiction Can Happen
During a school assembly, Robert Hackenson Jr., edutainer and speaker on vaping, exposes how quickly teens can get addicted to nicotine.
Discussing Perception vs Reality of Marijuana Use in Teens
Discussing some of the perceptions of marijuana vs the real consequences with teen marijuana use.
Simply Explaining Brain Development and Substance Abuse
Explaining brain development in an easy way to understand during this school assembly on substance awareness and positive decision-making.