“Edutainment” It’s Not Your Typical Lecture.
Finally, an educational experience that will actually connect with your audience, keep them engaged, and deliver the educational lessons in a memorable fashion. When your audience is bored, they aren’t listening. This is why professional “edutainer” Robert Hackenson Jr. has been on a mission to engage and educate students by thoughtfully infusing magic, illusions, and hypnosis skits into his lectures to help make the important messages memorable. Below are a list of the different college edutainment topics he offers.
Information Packets for “Edutaining” College Lectures:
Substance Awareness & Positive Choices – “Sober Thoughts”
Students make decisions to abuse substances based on their mis-perceptions of what they are expected to do in college. This presentation isn’t about “DON’T DRINK,” but instead focuses on why students make poor choices, educates them on how to see through negative influences, and how to make positive life choices regarding drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
>>Download Complete “Sober Thoughts” Information Packet (includes: description, outline, promo video, client list, and pricing)
Social Media Safety & Responsible Posting – “Social Media Land Mines”
“With great power comes great responsibility” and new technology and social media is very powerful. Students are facing new challenges and consequences through irresponsible posting on Social Media. Everything from putting themselves in danger, getting in legal trouble, hurting their image to friends, family, and future employers. This presentation discusses the social media “Do’s and Don’ts” in an “edutaining” way.
>>Download Complete “Social Media Landmines” Information Packet (includes: description, outline, promo video, client list, and pricing)
Sexual Assault Awareness
This is a more serious “edutainment” presentation that discusses the three major components of sexual assault awareness. 1. Prevention, which explores the male role in sexual assault prevention, why we as men need to step up and help change the culture. 2. Risk Reduction techniques. 3. Effective direct and indirect Bystander Intervention techniques.
>>Download Complete Sexual Assault Information Packet (includes: description, outline, promo video, client list, and pricing)
Hazing & Cyber Bullying Prevention – “Enough Bull”
Over recent years hazing and bullying has come to the attention of colleges as there students are not only experiencing face-to-face bullying and hazing, but also cyber-bullying. This presentation discusses the potential consequences, promotes respect, and encourages to change of the “this is the way it’s always been, nothing we can do” attitude.
>>Download Complete “Enough Bull” Information Packet (includes: description, outline, promo video, client list, and pricing)
Problem Gambling Prevention – “Gambling is NOT Magic”
Problem gambling continues to be an issue on college campuses and your students need to be educated on how to make smart financial decisions. In addition to college students, the college athlete has additional dangers to worry about and NCAA rules on gambling to follow.
>>Download Complete “Gambling is NOT Magic” Information Packet (includes: description, outline, promo video, client list, and pricing)
Want One of These “Edutaining” Presentations at Your School?