Social Media Safety Speaker for Parents

Parents need to know the latest youth social media trends and potential dangers in order to help guide their child to post responsibly and stay safe.  But how?  For most parents, social media is overwhelming.  There are thousands of apps and it’s a moving target; what is popular today is out tomorrow.  Having a social media safety speaker for parents is a great way to educate parents on what they need to know about teen social media use.  Robert provides helpful resources to help parents stay up-to-date with the latest trends and apps, and keep their kids safe.

Something for Everyone

Whether you are tech savvy or have no idea what this whole “social media” stuff is about; whether your child isn’t even using social media (yet) or if they are about to graduate high school, this presentation has something for you.  You will not only leave this presentation understanding the potential issues, but with a variety of simple tips and tricks to help guide your child and promote responsible posting.

What Parents Will Learn?

Having a social media safety speaker for parents allows them to see everything that the students experience during their presentation along with additional information specific for parents.  This provides parents with the opportunity to start the conversation with their child about social media and technology use.  In addition to this, parents will learn:

  • Why it’s important for parents to get stay involved
  • Tips on how to start a conversation about social media
  • Popular social media apps
  • When to monitor and monitoring options
  • Central charging locations
  • How to spot cyber bullying and what to do
  • Cyber predators, who they’re targeting and how
  • Sexting concerns and potential legal issues
  • Security settings
  • Parent to teen cell phone contracts
  • and more!

Online Parent Portal:

Social Media Safety Speaker for Parent Nights

In addition to parent education nights, we offer an online parent portal.  This provides parents with a convenient access to the latest information, resource, and trends.  Click here to visit the portal  

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