Edutainment for Incoming Students
Lectures don’t have to be boring. When choosing a speaker for your orientation or first week, you want one that will connect with your incoming students while delivering important lessons they’ll actually remember! Professional “edutainer” Robert Hackenson Jr. is on a mission to engage and educate students by thoughtfully infusing magic, illusions, and hypnosis skits into his lectures to help make the important messages memorable. Have your incoming class join the thousands of other college students coast to coast have had already enjoyed this “edutaining experience.” Below are a list of the different college edutainment topics Robert offers.
College Edutainment Lecture Topics:
Substance Awareness & Positive Choices – Sober Thoughts
This is not your typical substance awareness presentation as it combines substance awareness with social and emotional learning, magic, hypnosis skits and more!
It looks at perceptions of substance use in college, as well as ways they cope with challenges like stress, anxiety, relationship troubles, etc. Instead of using substances to cope, your students learn a healthier perspective with positive and effective coping techniques.
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Digital Safety & Responsible Posting – Digital & Social Media Land Mines
Digital technology and social media are powerful tools, but with great power comes great responsibility. Students need to understand the potential social and emotional issues that come along with social media. As we say, “Anything you post can and will be used against you in the court of life!” What students post not only represents them, but also your school, team, or organization. This dynamic edutaining presentation covers all of this and more! Learn More…
Vaping Awareness – Seeing Though the Vapor
Vaping trends continue to grow on college campuses around the world. This interactive college vaping awareness presentation will have your students questioning what they have been told about vaping, where the messages came from, and exactly who is behind the vaping industry.
You students will also learn the real risks they face whether it is vaping nicotine, THC, or other substances. They will also learn better coping techniques and how to make positive decisions to build the future they want and deserve.
Sexual Assault – Not Anymore
Sexual assault is a serious but essential topic in today’s world. This presentation connects with your general student population, keeps them engaged, and delivers important and relevant messages in a memorable way.
During this presentation your students will learn about:
1. The male role in sexual assault prevention
2. Risk reduction techniques
3. Bystander empowerment with techniques to either directly or indirectly intervene during risky situations. Learn More…
Hazing & Bullying Prevention – Enough Bull
Hazing and bullying continues to gain attention on colleges as students face outdated hazing practices by teams and greek organizations along with new ways of bullying through technology like yikyak, confession pages, etc. This presentation discusses the issues, promotes respect, and encourages to change of the “this is the way it’s always been, nothing we can do” attitude. Learn More…
Want to Edutain Your Incoming Students?
or Contact us at: 508-963-5555.