Recently I was able to deliver my presentation on Cyber and Social media dangers for college students at the NEACUHO WPI Drive-In. Over the years of speaking to college students on different topics like making positive decisions with drugs, alcohol and tobacco and problem gambling awareness, I have found the issue of social media dangers to be vast growing and in high demand.
If you missed the WPI Drive-in then you missed this dynamic presentation that used magic, illusions and video clips to capture attention and convey messages.How To Use Tinder Without Facebook (I make it a point as a college speaker to use magic, skit hypnosis, and other interactive tools to keep students engaged and convey messages). I spoke about some of the dangers of social media and the issues that were occurring on college campuses like cyber bullying, cyber predators, assault, ruined reputations, arrests, and social inadequacies. For those that missed it or want to watch a quick summary, here is a clip of highlights of the presentation (unfortunately there was no skit hypnosis performed during this presentation, however it is included when I present on college campuses).
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