5th Grader from Florida Fights Back Against Bullying

Dylan a 5th grader from Florida, recently won a contest in school for his paper against bullying.  During is interview on the Fox25 Morning Show Dylan expressed his feelings on school bullying.  How he felt that parents can only sit back and hope that their kids are not targeted by bullying, and explained what the bullying targets can do to fight back against bullying.  He told Fox25 about his experience being bullied last year, but then how he took action and informed his teachers and since then the bullying has stopped.

Personally, I love the fact that Dylan used the word “Targets” when talking about bullying.  All too often people say “Victims” of bullying, where that is not the case.  A victim implies that you can’t do anything about it, where as being a target simply explains that the child is in the cross hairs of a bully.  Dylan clearly showed that he was no victim as he immediately took action against his bully and as a result he is currently experiencing a bully free year.

Dylan goes onto explain that the reasoning for entering the cross hairs of the bully could be for any number of different reasons.  It could be due to something as simple as the student enjoys to read or gets good grades.  Dylan suggested a student could also be bullied because they don’t play sports or wear the wrong thing, say the wrong thing, wear glasses or simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time.  In the end, there is no clear cut reason why students are bully targets, nor is there a defined reason why students become bullies.  However Dylan thinks it’s because of a past negative experience in the bully’s life.

The unfortunate truth is that there is no exact reason why some kids are bullied more than other, except for them being a little different or not having certain characteristics that are so called “cool”.

Dylan also points out that 1 out of 4 kids are bullied across the United States.  This is obviously a worrisome statistic, however if more kids stand up like Dylan, then the kids of today have a shot at lowering that statistic.  To watch this interview you can go to:


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